The CIC, or combat information center, could be found in the ship's main body. RELATED: Mass Effect: How Thane Went from Stone-Cold Assassin to True Hero The ship featured a forward cockpit for two, and as of Captain David Anderson's time, the Normandy was helmed by Jeff "Joker" Moreau, an Alliance flight lieutenant.

As for the interior, this vessel had three decks, with the command deck being the main one. It was a frigate capable of flying at great speeds that could use mass relays unassisted. The Normandy was commissioned and built in 2183, and it featured elements of both human and Turian shipbuilding theory. Some saw it as a waste of money or as fraternization with the enemy. This was meant as an inspirational political move, though reception in the Alliance was mixed. The Normandy could stand as an early symbol of human-Turian cooperation and understanding.

Humanity and the Turians were not the best of friends, but they didn't want to be enemies. Both parties still clearly remembered the bloody First Contact War. This was a vessel of historical significance, since it was co-developed by Alliance and Hierarchy engineers as a joint project. This was done not only to push the boundaries of shipbuilding, but also to help mend ties between the Alliance and Hierarchy. The SR-1 Normandy, or the SSV Normandy, was the first ship of its kind in more ways than one.